Thursday, September 29, 2011

Character Sketch based off of craigslist post

first the ad

100$ for two brownies and 1 pt. ice cream (wanted section)

Right now, it is 4.19pm on Saturday, the 6th of February, 2010.

I live on the Gramercy Mansion property grounds, near Villa Julie/Stevenson college
on Greenspring Valley Road. This is the intersection of 695 and 83.

I am snowed in. The long driveway is only partially plowed.

I have a crisp 100$ bill. I will gladly give it to the first person who can hand deliver
two large brownies, and 1 pint of vanilla ice cream to me. Must be in person, no
aircraft drones, catapults, etc.

Serious inquiries only. Must be delivered by 9pm this evening.

  • Location: Stevenson, MD
  • Compensation: Crisp 100$ bill.
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
And now the actual writing

I could only see the second floor of her 20’s Victorian style townhouse. The rest was submerged under the ever-rising pile of snow. I saw a head peek from the monotonous white. A full head of straw colored tinged with gray and piercing eyes were all I could see. I crept closer to see more.

Her eyes were striking. They were haughty, yet burned the same way possessed people’s often do. I felt chills in my spine, but yet at the same time there was a beauty behind her eyes, not like a runway model – no, this woman definitely wasn’t thin. But she was beautiful, curvy, probably in her late forties. She lunged after the brown paper bag in my hand, snatching it with greedy hands. No words were exchanged; only a sigh, maybe of relief, was expelled from her lips. She disappeared inside. I followed her in.

I waited while she devoured the first brownie. She tried to stuff it down in one go, but the edges evaded her full mouth and spilled off the sides and onto her rose-tinged cheeks. She paid no attention to this, or to me for that matter. She only had eyes for the food in the brown bag. It was only after she had torn open the top to the ice cream and used her fingers to scratch at the frosted surface that I decided it would be appropriate to ask for my payment.

“Ma’am? May I have my reward?”

She walked briskly to the cabinet while still cupping her ice cream and grabbed the crisp Benjamin that was lying on top. She thrust it into my hand and beckoned towards the door. As I walked out of the large foyer of her lovely home, I noticed a picture frame amongst the antiques. In it were two individuals in a dusted white background.

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