Thursday, September 29, 2011

From a different perspective

Same craigslist assignment, just a different take on perspective

I wonder if this will work. I mean it was a hundred dollars and it shouldn't be that hard to get here...I feel pathetic. Of all the days to be wanting him I picked the one with a 6' snowfall.

Oh I hear someone outside. I wrapped myself in my thickest winter jacket and crack open the door a smidgen. Frigid air meets my face. Above the snowfall I see the crest of a man's head, looking down at me. He looked to be in his early twenties and wasn't bad looking, but then again who can tell when people are all bundled up these days? He did remind me of...nevermind. Everyone reminds me of him. There's no need to bring up things of the past. It's not like I'm craving these items because of him. Not that we shared this on the day before he died. Damn it, I just want the food that's all. I don't need to justify this. There's nothing wrong or irrational about wanting some damn brownies and ice cream. I have money to burn too...can't let him see me like this.

I lunge forward to grab the bag from his shielded hands. Why does he keep looking at me? Is it my face? my eyes? Whatever. I'm uncontrollable now. I am possessed with some sudden need to devour the items. I don't even want to see them anymore. I just want to wedge the whole thing in my mouth. Fuck this nostalgia. It's not like he was that great anyways. HE was never here, he ignored me for days at a time, not to mention moody. But I loved him damn it. I love him.

Why is that guy still looking at me? Oh, he wants his money. Yea whatever, I'll grab it and make him go.

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